A function that returns the following chainable methods.
- after
- ascend
- before
- child
- class (kill, set, sub)
- descend
- event (emit, kill, set)
- layer
- match
- mount
- offset
- parent
- position
- prop (get, kill, set)
- sibling
- size (get, set)
- style (get, set)
- unmount
The elemint object
$.after (method/after.js, line 1)
Return the immediately following sibling OR next matched sibling of each element in the set of matched elements.
$.after(target, optionalSelector);
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The element(s) whose next sibling will be obtained. |
selector |
String | Return the next sibling that matches the given selector. |
Element collection.
- Type
- Array | Element
$.animate (method/animate.js, line 1)
Manage DOM animations.
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The target element(s). |
methods An object containing the 'set, kill' methods.
- Type
- Object
$.animate.kill (method/animate/animate.kill.js, line 1)
Kill a DOM animation.
Name | Type | Description |
tag |
string | Animation identification. |
$.animate.set (method/animate/animate.set.js, line 1)
Configure and start a DOM animation.
var config = {
tag: 'myAnimation',
callback: () => {...}
Name | Type | Description |
config |
Object | Animation configuration. |
$.ascend (method/ascend.js, line 1)
Find all the matched ancestors at each upper level relative to the subject.
Will return n
levels of anscestors until the limit is reached.
$.ascend(target, optionalSelectorOrLimit, limit);
$(target).ascend(optionalSelectorOrLimit, limit);
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Element | Array | The element(s) whose ancestors will be returned. |
selectorOrLimit |
String | The target ancestor or the number of ancestors to return. |
limit |
Number | Limit how many ancestors will be returned. |
An array of ancestors that match the given selector.
- Type
- Array | Object
$.before (method/before.js, line 1)
Return the immediately preceding sibling OR preceding matched sibling of each element in the set of matched elements.
$.before(target, optionalSelector);
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The element(s) whose preceding sibling will be obtained. |
selector |
String | Return a preceding sibling that matches the given selector. |
Element collection.
- Type
- Array | Element
$.child (method/child.js, line 1)
Return the immediate children of the matched elements.
$.child(target, optionalSelector);
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The parent element(s). |
selector |
String | Find a specific subset of children. |
A collection of the selected element's children.
- Type
- Array
$.class (method/class.js, line 1)
Manipulate element classes
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The target element(s). |
methods An object containing the 'set, kill, sub, test' methods.
- Type
- Object
$.class.kill (method/class/class.kill.js, line 1)
Disable a class on an element's className
$.class(target).kill(classA, classB, classN, ...);
$(target).class.kill(classA, classB, classN, ...);
Name | Type | Description |
classes |
String | The classnames to be disabled. |
$.class.set (method/class/class.set.js, line 1)
Enable a class on an element's className
$.class(target).set(classA, classB, classN, ...);
$(target).class.set(classA, classB, classN, ...);
Name | Type | Description |
classes |
String | The classnames to be enabled. |
$.class.sub (method/class/class.sub.js, line 1)
Substitute a class on an element's className
property with another class.
$.class(target).sub('classA', 'classB');
$(target).class.sub('classA', 'classB');
Name | Type | Description |
target |
String | The class that will be replaced. |
replacement |
String | The class that will replace the target class. |
$.descend (method/descend.js, line 1)
Find all the matched descendants at each level of depth relative to the subject.
Will return n
levels of descendants until the limit is reached.
$.descend(target, optionalSelectorOrDepth, depth);
$(target).descend(optionalSelectorOrDepth, depth);
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The parent element(s). |
selectorOrDepth |
String | The target descendant or the depth at which the descending will stop. |
depth |
Number | The depth at which the descending will stop. |
An array of descendants that match the given selector.
- Type
- Array
$.event (method/event.js, line 1)
Manage element events
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The target element(s). |
methods An object containing the 'set, kill, emit' methods.
- Type
- Object
$.event.emit (method/event/event.emit.js, line 1)
Send an event to an element
var config = {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
$.event(target).emit('eventName', config);
$(target).event.emit('eventName', config);
var e = $.event(target);
Name | Type | Description |
eventName |
Object | The name of the event |
config |
Object | The config for the event |
$.event.kill (method/event/event.kill.js, line 1)
Stop an event listener
$(target).event.kill('eventName', callback);
Name | Type | Description |
tagOrEventName |
Array | A tag or event name for an existing event |
callback |
Array | The original callback function to be used with an event name |
$.event.set (method/event/event.set.js, line 1)
Setup an event listener on an element
var config = {
on: '',
tag: '',
target: false,
callback: () => {...},
limit: false
$.event(target).set(evt, callback);
$(target).event.set(evt, callback);
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The target element(s) |
config |
Object | Event listener configuration |
$.fragment (method/fragment.js, line 1)
Wrap HTML/nodes in a document fragment.
$.fragment([el1, el2, el3, ...]);
Name | Type | Description |
contents |
String | Element | Array | The html/elements that will be wrapped. |
The html/elements wrapper.
- Type
- Fragment
$.layer (method/layer.js, line 1)
Manage element layers.
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The target element(s). |
methods An object containing the 'set, get' methods.
- Type
- Object
$.layer.get (method/layer/layer.get.js, line 1)
Return the z-index of an element.
The z-index of the element.
- Type
- Number
$.layer.set (method/layer/layer.set.js, line 1)
Set the z-index of an element.
Name | Type | Description |
z-index |
Number | The new z-index for the element(s). |
$.match (method/match.js, line 1)
Return a set of elements that match the selector or pass the test.
$.match(target, selectorOrTest, test);
$(target).match(selectorOrTest, test);
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The set of elements. |
selectorOrTest |
String | A query selector or a testing function used to find a match. |
test |
function | Undefined | A testing function used to find a match. |
$.mount (method/mount.js, line 1)
- Mounting is a process that inserts elements into the DOM.
- Mount an element or fragment in a parent element.
- Will default to mounting the selected element(s) in
if no other arguments are passed.- innerEnd:
of subject's last child. - innerBegin:
of subject's first child. - outerEnd:
of subject's last sibling. - outerBegin:
of subject's first sibling. - before:
of subject. - after:
of subject.
- innerEnd:
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Element | Fragment | The point of reference for the mountpoint location. |
locationOrPayload |
Array | Element | Fragment | String | Undefined | The mountpoint location relative to the target or the payload elements with the default mountpoint location set to |
payload |
Array | Element | Fragment | String | Undefined | The payload elements that will be mounted. |
$.offset (method/offset.js, line 1)
Manage element offsets.
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The target element(s). |
methods An object containing the 'set, get' methods.
- Type
- Object
$.offset.get (method/offset/offset.get.js, line 1)
Return the offset of an element relative to the document.
An object containing the element(s) offset as it's properties.
- Type
- Object
$.offset.set (method/offset/offset.set.js, line 1)
Set the offset of an element relative to the document.
$.offset(target).set({top: ..., left: ...});
$(target).offset.set({top: ..., left: ...});
Name | Type | Description |
config |
Object | The new offset of the element(s). |
$.parent (method/parent.js, line 1)
Return the parent of the matched elements.
$.parent(target, true);
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The element whose parent will be selected. |
offsetParent |
Boolean | Find the nearest ancestor that is positioned. |
The selected parent elements.
- Type
- Array
$.position (method/position.js, line 1)
Return the position of an element relative to it's offset parent.
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Element | The element whose position will be returned. |
The position of the element returned within an object.
- Type
- Object
$.prop (method/prop.js, line 1)
Manage element properties (attributes)
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The target element(s) |
methods An object containing the 'set, get, kill' methods
- Type
- Object
$.prop.get (method/prop/prop.get.js, line 1)
Get a value from an element property (attribute).
$.prop(target).get('propertyA', 'propertyB');
$(target).prop.get('propertyA', 'propertyB');
Name | Type | Description |
prop |
String | A comma-separated list of properties whose value(s) will be fetched. |
prop An object with property key-values or a single value string.
- Type
- Object | String
$.prop.kill (method/prop/prop.kill.js, line 1)
Remove property (attribute) from an element.
Name | Type | Description |
prop |
Array | The property whose value will be removed. |
$.prop.set (method/prop/prop.set.js, line 1)
Set a value on an element property (attribute).
$.prop(target).set('propName', 'value');
$(target).prop.set('propName', 'value');
$.prop(target).set({'propName1: 'value1', 'propName2: 'value2'};
$(target).prop.set({'propName1: 'value1', 'propName2: 'value2'});
Name | Type | Description |
ObjectOrKey |
Object | String | Attribute key-pair values or an attribute name. |
value |
String | The value that will be set to the property. |
$.query (method/query.js, line 1)
Look-up DOM elements and return them in an array.
// Elemint object with cached elements
// Array of elements
// Shorthand for returning an array of elements
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | String | Nodelist | Element | The element(s) that will be selected. |
context |
Document | Element | A parent whose children will be queried against the given |
An element collection.
- Type
- Array
$.ready (method/ready.js, line 1)
Execute a function when the DOM is ready.
$.ready(() => {
// body...
Name | Type | Description |
callback |
function | A callback function. |
$.render (method/render.js, line 1)
Accept markup and return a collection of elements in an array.
Name | Type | Description |
payload |
String | The markup that will be converted to elements. |
The resulting array of elements.
- Type
- Array
$.sibling (method/sibling.js, line 1)
Return all matched elements that share the same immediate parent as the subject (subject excluded).
$.sibling(target, optionalSelector);
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The element(s) whose siblings will be selected. |
selector |
String | Query the siblings by selector. |
The subject(s) siblings.
- Type
- Array
$.size (method/size.js, line 1)
Get or set the dimensions of an element.
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The target element(s). |
methods An object containing the 'set, get' methods.
- Type
- Object
$.size.get (method/size/size.get.js, line 1)
Get the height/width of an element.
Name | Type | Description |
heightOrWidth |
String | Specify a single dimension to return. |
An object containing the element's dimensions.
- Type
- Object
$.size.set (method/size/size.set.js, line 1)
Set the height/width of an element.
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The element(s) whose dimensions will be set. |
$.style (method/style.js, line 1)
Manage document styles.
$.style(target, document);
$(target, document).style;
Name | Type | Description |
elementOrProp |
Element | Array | String | An element(s) or CSS selector. |
context |
Document | Element | The context which will be used - default is . |
methods An object containing the 'set, get' methods.
- Type
- Object
$.style.get (method/style/style.get.js, line 1)
Get style values from an element.
$.style(target).get(prop1, prop2, propN, ...);
$(target).style.get(prop1, prop2, propN, ...);
Name | Type | Description |
style |
String | The style(s) whose value will be returned. |
CSS key-pair list or a CSS property value.
- Type
- Object | String
$.style.set (method/style/style.set.js, line 1)
Get style values from an element.
// Single rule injection into document stylesheets with string
$.style('div:before').set(prop, value);
// Multiple rule injection into document stylesheets with object
$.style('div:before').set({ prop: value, ... });
// Multiple rule injection into document stylesheets with string
$.style('div:before { prop: value, ... } div:after { prop: value, ... } ...').set();
// Multiple rule injection into document stylesheets with string via array
$.style(['div:before { prop: value, ... }', 'div:after { prop: value, ... }']).set();
// Inline rules
$.style(target, optionalContext).set(style, value);
$.style(target, optionalContext).set({ prop: value, ... });
$(target).style.set(style, value, optionalContext);
$(target).style.set({ prop: value, ... }, optionalContext);
Name | Type | Description |
rulesOrProperty |
Object | String | CSS key-pair list or a CSS property name. |
value |
String | The style that will be applied. |
$.unmount (method/unmount.js, line 1)
Unmounting is a process that removes elements from the DOM. Unmount an element or it's relative.
- innerEnd:
of subject's last child - innerBegin:
of subject's first child - outerEnd:
of subject's last sibling - outerBegin:
of subject's first sibling - before:
of subject - after:
of subject
// Self
// Relatives
$.unmount(target, relativeLocation);
$.unmount(target, childElement);
Name | Type | Description |
target |
Array | Element | The point of reference for the mountpoint location. |
relative |
Element | String | The location of an element that will be removed relative to the target. |