* @memberof $
* @method $.descend
* @description
* Find all the matched descendants at each level of depth relative to the subject.
* Will return `n` levels of descendants until the limit is reached.
* @return {Array} An array of descendants that match the given selector.
* @param {Array|Element} target The parent element(s).
* @param {String} selectorOrDepth The target descendant or the depth at which the descending will stop.
* @param {Number} depth The depth at which the descending will stop.
* @example
* $.descend(target, optionalSelectorOrDepth, depth);
* $(target).descend(optionalSelectorOrDepth, depth);
function descend(subject, selector, depth, count) {
// Initial call - reset the collector
// The count variable is only used internally
// when the `descend` function is called recursively
if (!count) descend.collector = [];
// Depth was passed in the selector position
if (parseInt(selector, 10)) {
depth = selector;
selector = null;
var depthCount = count || 0;
var i = -1;
var len = subject.length;
var collectedChildren = [];
(len > 0) || (subject = [subject], len = 1);
while ((i += 1) < len) {
if (subject[i] && (!selector || subject[i].matches(selector))) {
var children = subject[i].children;
if (children && children.length) {
collectedChildren = collectedChildren.concat(toArray(children));
i = -1;
len = collectedChildren.length;
depthCount += 1;
while ((i += 1) < len) {
// Proceed if a depth hasn't been reached or a depth hasn't been set
// If depth has been set this function will return the children
// of each descendant until n levels of descendants have been reached
if (children[i] && (!depth || depthCount <= depth)) {
return descend.collector;