* @memberof $
* @method $.mount
* @description
* - Mounting is a process that inserts elements into the DOM.
* - Mount an element or fragment in a parent element.
* - Will default to mounting the selected element(s) in `document.body` if no other arguments are passed.
* - innerEnd: `afterend` of subject's last child.
* - innerBegin: `beforebegin` of subject's first child.
* - outerEnd: `afterend` of subject's last sibling.
* - outerBegin: `beforebegin` of subject's first sibling.
* - before: `beforebegin` of subject.
* - after: `afterend` of subject.
* @param {Element|Fragment} target The point of reference for the mountpoint location.
* @param {Array|Element|Fragment|String|Undefined} locationOrPayload
* The mountpoint location relative to the target or the payload elements with the default mountpoint location set to `innerEnd`.
* @param {Array|Element|Fragment|String|Undefined} payload The payload elements that will be mounted.
* @example
* $.mount(
* target,
* locationOrPayload,
* payload
* );
* $(target).mount(
* locationOrPayload,
* payload
* );
var mount = function mount(subject, location, payload) {
var i = subject.length || 0;
(i > 0) || (subject = [subject], i = 1);
var n = -1;
var locationTags = [
var node;
var frag;
var parent;
if (locationTags.indexOf(location) < 0) {
payload = location;
location = false;
if (payload && payload.substring) {
frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
wrapper.innerHTML = payload;
while (wrapper.firstChild) frag.appendChild(wrapper.firstChild);
payload = frag;
if (!payload && !location) {
while ((n += 1) < i) document.body.appendChild(subject[n]);
else if (!location) {
while (i--) {
while (subject[i].lastChild) subject[i].removeChild(subject[i].lastChild);
else {
while (i--) {
parent = subject[i].parentNode || document.documentElement;
/* eslint-disable indent */
// `afterend` of subject's lastChild
location === 'innerEnd'
? subject[i].appendChild(payload)
// `beforebegin` of subject's firstChild
: location === 'innerBegin'
? subject[i].insertBefore(payload, subject[i].firstChild)
// `afterend` of subject's lastSibling
: location === 'outerEnd'
? parent.appendChild(payload)
// `beforebegin` of subject's firstSibling
: location === 'outerBegin'
? parent.insertBefore(payload, parent.firstChild)
// `beforebegin` of subject
: location === 'before'
? parent.insertBefore(payload, subject[i])
// `afterend` of subject
: location === 'after'
? parent.insertBefore(payload, subject[i].nextElementSibling)
: throwError('Unknown location: ' + location)